UC Santa CruzSustainability Conference 2005

UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077
Email: susconf@ucsc.edu Phone: 831-459-5794





Conference Schedule


Tracks and Topics

Pre-Conference Field Trips - optional - (Sunday, June 19th)

Post-Conference Workshops - optional - (Wednesday, June 22nd)


Tracks and Topics

Keynotes and Awards Ceremony
  • Keynote speakers - Frank Zwart, Campus Architect, UC Santa Cruz
  • Keynote speakers - Harrison Fraker, Dean, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley
  • Keynote speakers - George Pernsteiner, Interim Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, Chief Operating Officer, University of Oregon System
  • Keynote speakers - UC students Yoel Krisher, UC Santa Cruz, and Hillary Lehr, UC Berkeley
  • Awards Ceremony - presented by California State University Office of the Chancellor Assistant Vice Chancellor Elvyra San Juan
  • Awards Ceremony - presented by University of California Office of the President Assistant Vice President Mike Bocchicchio


TRACK A: Policy to Practice - Energy

  • Session A1: UC/CSU/LACCD Sustainability Policies and Implementation Progress

    The L.A. Community College District passed a ground-breaking green building and clean energy policy in 2002. UC followed with its own in 2003. This summer the CSU will likely also pass its own policy. The administrators overseeing the implementation of the policy goals for the LACCD and UC systems will give an overview of those implementation efforts, while the administrator in charge of developing the soon to be released CSU policy will discuss their process and likely policy goals.

  • Mona Field, President, L.A. Community College District Board of Trustees
  • Larry Eisenberg, Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Development, L.A. Community College District [Presentation]
  • Elvyra San Juan, Assistant Vice President, CSU Chancellor's Office
  • Johnny Torrez, Director, Facilities Management, UC Office of the President
  • Moderator: Michael Bocchiocchio, Assistant Vice President, Facilities Administration, UC Office of the President
  • Session A2: Solar Energy Case Studies

    This panel will look at case studies of three campus solar photovoltaic installations, including their financing, technologies used, performance to date, and the role of in-house staff or even students in the installation of the systems. The results of the student-led Solar Capacity Challenge in the CSU system will also be presented.

  • Tom Brown, Director, Facilities Management, CSU Northridge
  • Josh Gallo, Student, CSU Northridge
  • Pete McKean, Principal, Consultant to UCSF, Townsend Management Inc./UCSF
  • Patrick McCoy, Project Manager, Solar Purchase Program, State Department of General Services [Presentation]
  • Greg Ashley, Director of Western Operations, SunEdison Corp.
  • Moderator: JP Ross, Deputy Director, Vote Solar Initiative
  • Session A3: Best Practice Awardees: Innovative Operations and Maintenance; Demand Responsiveness; Energy Information Systems/Innovative Energy System Control

    This session will include presentations from the Higher Education Energy Efficiency Partnership Best Practice Awards Program in the categories of Innovative Operations and Maintenance, Demand Responsiveness, and Energy Information Systems.
  • Tim Ball, Assistant Director, Facilities Management Engineering, CSU Long Beach [Presentation]
  • John Dilliot, Energy/Utilities Manager, UC San Diego [Presentation: Controls] [Presentation: Demand Response]
  • Mark Hunter, Director, Facilities Services, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Maric Munn, Associate Director, Energy and Utilities, UC Office of the President
  • Moderator: Len Pettis, Chief of Plant, Energy & Utilities, CSU Chancellor's Office
  • Session A4: Student Energy Conservation Best Practices - Green Campus Program

    This session will include presentations of the case studies chosen to receive UC/CSU Higher Education Energy Efficiency Best Practices Awards Program in the category of Student Energy Conservation. The session will also feature the Alliance to Save Energy’s (ASE) “Green Campus” program. The nonprofit ASE received funding from the CPUC to launch a pilot student energy conservation program on 3 University of California and 3 California State University campuses. The students leading those pilot projects, and the staff who support them, will present some of the highlights to date.

  • Felicity Blue, Green Campus Student Intern, CSU San Bernardino
  • Jocelyn Orr, Green Campus Student Intern, Humboldt State
  • Nathan McKeever, Green Campus Student Intern, Humboldt State
  • Patrick McCauley, Green Campus Student Intern, Humboldt State
  • Desirae Early, Green Campus Student Intern, UC Berkeley
  • Jonathan Choi, Green Campus Student Intern, UC Berkeley
  • Judi Quach, Green Campus Student Intern, UC Berkeley
  • Scott MacKenzie, Green Campus Student Intern, UC Santa Barbara
  • Aaron Gilliam, Green Campus Student Intern, UC Santa Barbara
  • Kylee McGee, Green Campus Student Intern, UC San Diego
  • Moderator: Andy Coghlan, Green Campus Program Coordinator, Alliance to Save Energy
  • Session A5: Costs and Benefits of Commissioning and Campus Application of Monitoring-Based Commissioning

    Many UC campuses are currently hiring dedicated commissioning agents, likely due to the combination of maintenance benefits, costs savings, energy savings, and requirements under LEED. An exciting recent study from LBNL demonstrated the costs and benefits of commissioning. As a specific campus-based example, UC Santa Barbara is a model for the type of monitoring-based commissioning efforts being funded on UC and Cal State campuses.

  • Evan Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Presentation]
  • Jim Dewey, Associate Director, Operations and Maintenance, UC Santa Barbara [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Phillip Haves, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Session A6: New Technologies & Training to help achieve Energy Efficiency Targets

    UC and CSU campuses are benefiting from demonstrations of new technologies and practices developed through the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program. This year thirteen campuses will begin demonstrating and showcasing eleven lighting and HVAC technologies having the potential to substantially improve efficiency in future new construction and retrofit projects. New design and commissioning strategies developed through PIER projects are also being incorporated into training courses currently offered to campus staff at no cost through the UC/CSU/IOU Partnership for Energy Efficiency. This session will discuss the latest lighting technologies deployed at CA campuses and training opportunities scheduled through 2005 at campuses.

  • Karl Johnson, Program Manager, Lighting Controls, California Institute for Energy and Environment
  • Cathy Higgins, Program Director, New Buildings Institute
  • Moderator: Martha Brooke, California Energy Commission


TRACK B: Green Building I - Case Studies

  • Session B1: Housing/Residence Halls

    Universities continue to build many new housing projects as a way to improve student life and community on campuses. Green building concepts have only recently begun to be integrated into housing projects, but already there are many great examples around the country and here in California. This session highlights recent projects at UC Berkeley and Sonoma State U., as well as an exciting curriculum and student-research integrated green dorm project at Stanford.
  • Lauren Meredith, Green Dorm Project Coordinator, Stanford [Presentation]
  • Arman Shehabi, Graduate Student, LEED Consultant, UC Berkeley
  • Bruce Walker, Sr. Director, Capital Planning, Design and Construction, Sonoma State U.
  • Moderator: Bob Oehler, Director of Housing, Facilities and Operations, UC Berkeley
  • Session B2: Community College Green Building Case Studies

    The Los Angeles Community college district is undertaking the largest LEED™ program in the United States. This session highlights some of the lessons learned in the implementation of the policy from education to sustainable development. The presentation will touch on the broader based issues such as professional fees for green design, energy procurement, new technologies, green strategies, and will then move on to case studies of LEED buildings.
    De Anza College is at the forefront of green building efforts with three LEED certified building projects. The leading project, the Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies, has the specific mission of "a building that teaches about energy, resources and stewardship." Presentation topics include: financial perspective of constructing LEED certified buildings, initial cost of construction as weighed against the Total Operating Costs over the lifetime of the building, the mental agreement to go forward with green building, the learning process on LEED certifications, and how architects and contractors have been brought into the process. A particular focus will be "how to keep your green building project on track."
  • Bharat Patel, Sustainability Specialist, DMJM, LA Community College District
  • Pat Cornely, Executive Director, Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies, De Anza College
  • Mike Brandy, Vice Chancellor of Business Services, Foothill De Anza Community College
  • Claudette Brero-Gow, Director of Construction Management, Foothill De Anza Community College
  • Moderator: Larry Eisenberg, Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Development, L.A. Community College District
  • Session B3: LEED Existing Buildings Case Studies

    LEED EB addresses exterior building site maintenance programs, efficient/optimized use of water and energy, purchasing of environmentally preferred products, waste stream management and on-going indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The CalEPA building in Sacramento is the first LEED EB Platinum rated building in the country. Universities are now also exploring the use of LEED EB in individual buildings, such as a pilot project on the UC Santa Barbara campus. UC San Francisco is conducting a pilot project of LEED for Commercial Interiors on one floor of a dentistry building. These pilot projects will help inform the development of policy guidelines for sustainable operations and maintenance of existing buildings, as required by the UC Green Building Policy. This session will also include a presentation of an on-line tool for organizing the LEED EB certification process.
  • James Weiner, Principal, Collaborative Project Consulting
  • Perrin Pellegrin, Sustainability Coordinator, UC Santa Barbara
  • Bonnie Blake Drucker, Principal, Blake-Drucker Architects
  • Craig Sheehy, Property Manager, Cal EPA Building, Thomas Properties Group
  • Moderator: Ann Ludwig, Senior Program Manager, Alameda County Waste Management
  • Session B4: Best Practice Awardees in Energy Efficient New Building Design: HVAC

    This session will include presentations from the Higher Education Energy Efficiency Partnership Best Practice Awards Program in the categories of Energy Efficient New Building Design – Lighting; HVAC; and Building Envelope.
  • Craig Johnson, Senior Mechanical Engineer, UC San Diego [Presentation]
  • Tim Ball, Assistant Director, Facilities Management Engineering, CSU Long Beach [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Steve Gulati, University Engineer, CSU Chancellor's Office
  • Session B5: Laboratories

    This is perhaps the most prevalent building type in the University of California’s current capital program for new construction and renovation projects. Lab buildings are also being built in the Cal State system and many other universities, as they all attempt to keep pace with modern research and teaching needs. This session examines case studies at Sonoma State U., UC Davis, and UC San Diego, and also describes the resources available for high performance laboratory design through the government’s Laboratories for the 21st Century program.
  • Peter Rumsey, Principal, Rumsey Engineers, Inc.
  • Bruce Walker, Sonoma State U.
  • Allen Lowry, Sr. Project Manager, UC Davis
  • Moderator: Dale Sartor, Project Lead, Energy Efficient Design Applications, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Presentation]
  • Session B6: Best Practice Awardee: Best Overall Sustainable Design

    This session will include presentations from the Higher Education Energy Efficiency Partnership Best Practice Awards Program in the category of Best Overall Sustainable Design for a new building or major building renovation.
  • Michael C. Smith, CSU Fullerton [Presentation]
  • Bill Starr, Project Manager, UC Davis [Presentation]
  • Robert Schulz, Director, Facilities Management, Humboldt State University [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Warren Jacobs, University Architect, CSU Chancellor's Office
  • Moderator: Dan Burgoyne, Sustainability Manager, State Department of General Services
  • Moderator: Chuck Angyal, Chief Architect, New Construction Energy Efficiency Programs, Sempra Energy Utilities


TRACK C: Green Building II - Process and Strategies

  • Session C1: What worked and what didn't in 3 LEED Platinum buildings and 2 model campus buildings

    Mr. Shank will explore the lessons learned through his involvement in the three LEED Platinum rated buildings in southern California and several green building projects on university campuses. The presentation focuses on the nuts and bolts of successful project management.

    Dr. von Meier and Dr. Janda will present the stories of design, construction and evaluation of two educational green buildings, the Adam Joseph Lewis Center at Oberlin and the Environmental Technology Center at Sonoma State, with particular emphasis on the problem of quantitative measures of success: How do we know when an exemplary and innovative building has met with success; by what standards, and according to whom? Illustrated with anecdotes, their talk explores both the lighter side and the intrinsic difficulties of reconciling theory, practice, and proof in environmental architecture and pedagogy.
  • Gregory Shank, Manager of Sustainability Services, CTG Energetics, Inc.
  • Alexandra von Meier, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University
  • Katy Janda, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Oberlin College
  • Moderator: Marci Holcomb, Senior Director of Project Management, UC San Diego
  • Session C2: Life-Cycle Costing for New Buildings

    Public agencies and universities around the country have codified their commitment to examining the life-cycle costs of decisions made in the design and construction of new buildings. Speakers from Stanford and the California State University Chancellor’s Office will describe how their policies work to assure that energy, water, equipment replacement and other operations and maintenance costs are not completely ignored due to the necessary focus on upfront costs of the buildings. The University of California is developing a policy along similar lines and will present on its draft policy and related issues.
  • Satinder Gulati, University Engineer, CSU Chancellor's Office
  • Bill Starr, Project Manager, UC Davis [Presentation]
  • Martyn Dodd, EnergySoft
  • Gina Cooney, Project Manager, Stanford
  • Moderator: Tara Lamont, Assistant Director, Design and Construction, UC Office of the President
  • Session C3: Eco Charette Workshop

    Eco Charrettes are an integral part of the collaborative sustainability process currently used to facilitate sustainable, green, and high performance campus planning and building. This mini-eco charrette, lead by an all-star team of green building professionals, is intended to simulate some of the key components of a typical project sustainability workshop. Participants will establish the environmental goals for a selected campus project. Working groups guided by architects and engineers will identify integrated green building measures in specific categories related to energy conservation and efficiency, indoor environmental and air quality, and site, water and materials resource efficiency. These measures will be presented to the entire group for further integration and discussion and the campus project will be evaluated using the USGBC LEED® green building rating system.
  • Anthony Bernheim, Principal, Green Design, SMWM
  • John Long, Associate Principal, SMWM
  • Prakash Stephen Pinto, Associate Principal, Planning and Urban Studio Director, SMWM
  • William Katz, Senior Associate, SMWM
  • G. Elisabeth Sporer, Associate, Project Manager, SMWM
  • John Andary, Principal, Keen Engineering
  • Pasha Korber, Associate, Keen Engineering
  • Session C4: Selecting the Right A&E team/Writing Specs and Other Documents to Assure Green Building Design and Construction

    Simple augmentation of RFQ language and inclusion of specific interview questions can help ensure that selected A&E teams have green design as a part of their core competency. Upgrades to design contract language and design standards can enable teams to produce the necessary documents for green building delivery. Special attention to spec writing can help facilitate green construction. Model language for RFQs, model interview questions, model documentation requirements, energy design standards, and model specifications for green buildings will be discussed from an architectural, engineering and project management point of view. "Getting what you want" from a green design process requires explicit attention to appropriate provisions in the range of documents involved in building design and construction, as well as specific considerations in team selection decisions.
  • Karl Brown, Deputy Director, California Institute for Energy and Environment
  • Rick Diamond, Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Presentation]
  • Bruce Walker, Sonoma State U.
  • Cynthia Hughes, Director of Environmental Stewardship/Sr. Project Manager, UC Merced/Kitchell CM
  • Moderator: Kenyon Potter, Manager, Design & Construction Policy, UC Office of the President
  • Session C5: Project Delivery Process Approaches for Green Buildings

    Gary Banks will present informal case studies of sustainable design, with an emphasis on LEED, of Bren Hall, Marine Science Research Building, Student Resources Building and Ocean Science Education Building. The presentation will address inherent obstacles to designing a project for LEED certification. Gary will also compare the process to design and build the aforementioned projects with integrated design, the ideal approach to building delivery.
    Bharat Patel will present the costs associated with various building delivery systems. Patel will also discuss a cost effective method to secure central plant systems without capital upfront costs. The presentation will also explore optimal delivery systems for attaining LEED building certification.
    Bob Schulz will discuss how the Design-Build process generated a more cost effective, and more sustainable, design in HSU’s new Behavioral & Social Sciences (BSS) Building, California’s first publicly funded LEED Gold University Building. By using a best value ward process, the building exceeded campus sustainability goals within its budget.
  • Bob Schulz, Director, Facilities Management, Humboldt State University [Presentation]
  • Bharat Patel, Sustainability Specialist, DMJM/L.A. Community College District
  • Gary Banks, Project Manager, UC Santa Barbara
  • Moderator: Perrin Pellegrin, Sustainability Coordinator, UC Santa Barbara
  • Session C6: Water: Innovative Yet Feasible Strategies for Reducing Campus Consumption

    Access to an adequate water supply is a serious challenge facing California as it continues to expand and grow. Potable water costs and wastewater disposal charges have risen and will likely continue to rise as water shortages become more severe. Universities can decrease their water and wastewater costs, as well as conserve CA water supply, through cost-effective replacement of old water using fixtures with new water-conserving fixtures. This workshop will show concrete examples of how Universities can and have saved money through upgrading or installing resource efficient restrooms. Questions about waterless urinals and the availability of outside funding sources will be addressed. Please join us to hear about case-studies as well as participate in a discussion about how to conserve water and save money on University campuses.
  • Jubilee Daniels, Graduate Student, Landscape Architecture, UC Berkeley
  • Gary Homesley, Assistant Director, Facilities Maintenance, CSU Northridge
  • Moderator: Leann Gustafson, Supervisor of Water Conservation, East Bay Municipal Utility District


TRACK D: Curriculum and Research and Student Organizations

  • Session D1: Building Successful Student Sustainability Organizations

    This session presents case studies of two unique student organizations which successfully promote student involvement and collaboration with faculty, staff, administration, and the community. These organizations provide stellar examples of putting solid systems in place for training and mentoring new student leaders to provide continuity and on-going momentum in a setting of high student turnover. Successes have included passing ballot measures to allocate student fees toward campus sustainability, ensuring the institutionalization and long term viability of students’ efforts.
  • Jacob Cabrera, UCSC Student Environmental Center, UC Santa Cruz
  • Leslie Wilcox, UCSC Student Environmental Center, UC Santa Cruz
  • Professor Steve Gliessman, Program in Community Agroecology, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session D2: Model Student Initiated and Run Sustainability Courses

    This session features presentations on three engaging student-led courses that encourage reflection upon and analysis of the principles of sustainability. This experiential learning method fosters collaboration between students, faculty, staff, administration, and local communities regarding strategies to create more sustainable campuses, and in these classes students complete research and hands-on projects that create tangible change.
  • Katie Maynard, Education for Sustainable Living Program, UC Santa Barbara
  • Nikki Henderson, UC Los Angeles
  • Stacey Goncharko, UC Santa Cruz
  • Garrett Fitzgerald, Campus Sustainability Assessment Course, Graduate student, Chair of Assessment Subcommittee, UC Berkeley
  • Jubilee Daniels, Graduate student, Landscape Architecture, UC Berkeley
  • Judi Quach, Energy 101 Class, Green Campus Program Coordinator, UC Berkeley
  • Session D3: Coalition Building for a Strong Movement: Statewide and National Student Organizing

    This panel looks at three groundbreaking and successful student coalitions that bridge the UC and CSU systems and beyond, unifying efforts at individual campuses to form a cohesive movement with continuity in. The Univ. of Calif. Student Sustainability Coalition (UCSSC) collaborated with the Board of Regents to approve a University-wide policy for the "green" buildings and "clean" energy, one of the first of its kind in the nation, and is now working on system-wide transportation and food campaigns. Renew CSU is focused on renewable energy and green building goals, and Energy Action has built a coalition of 21 major student and youth environmental organizations in the U.S. and Canada to unify the growing movement.
  • Ted Buehler, Move UC Transportation campaign, UC Davis
  • Bridgit Van Belleghem, ESLP project, UC Davis
  • Hillary Lehr, Green Building project, UC Berkeley
  • Tim Galarneau, UC Foods campaign, UC Santa Cruz
  • Josh Lynch, Greenpeace Campus Organizer, Renew CSU
  • Jocelyn Orr, CSU Humboldt
  • Renae Steichen, Campus Climate Challenge Organizer, Energy Action
  • Session D4: Integrating Campus Sustainability Into Courses

    Presentations on three courses that provide interactive experiences for students to explore sustainability and create tangible change on campus. Topics include creating and passing ballot measures, environmental design methods, and creative efforts to improve the environmental and social sustainability of campus facilities.
  • Mark Stemen, Professor, Geography & Planning Dept.; Coordinator, ENVS Dept., CSU Chico
  • Linda Lee, Lecturer, Environmental Design Dept., UC Davis
  • Michelle van Tijen, Student, Environmental Design Dept., UC Davis
  • Dara Haagens, Student, Environmental Design Dept., UC Davis
  • Brook Muller, Assistant Professor, Architecture Dept., Univ. of Oregon [Presentation]
  • Session D5: Innovative Environmental Sustainability Studies Programs

    The Sustainable Environmental Design Education (SEDE) research initiative portrays a web-based model curriculum for architecture and landscape architecture programs that begins with rethinking basic design and ends with the integration of buildings and landscapes within their ecological region. It offers a comprehensive view of how professional degree programs in architecture could be transformed to reflect a sustainable design ethic.
    The Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies is the lead demonstration building for energy innovation and sustainability in the Calif. Community College system. It is a “living laboratory” that exemplifies the next generation of educational innovation, and will meet the requirements of a LEED Silver Certified Sustainable Building.
  • Margot McDonald, Professor, Archictecture; AIA, LEED-AP, CSU San Luis Obispo [Presentation]
  • Cathy Corlett, CSU San Luis Obispo
  • Jonathan Reich, CSU San Luis Obispo
  • Julie Phillips, Morgan Family Chair in Environmental Studies, De Anza Community College
  • Kristin Sullivan, Instructor - Environmental Studies Department, De Anza Community College
  • Session D6: Discussion: California Student Sustainability Coalition-- Visioning For Future Collaboration

    All students, staff, and faculty are welcome to discuss and strategize together about future plans for collaboration on the statewide level.


TRACK E: Food Systems, Waste Reduction and Recycling

  • Session E1: Best Practices: How Dining Services Can be Made More Sustainable

    This survey focuses on the various components of energy efficiency, waste reduction and recycling associated with dining halls and cafeterias. In too many cases much of the waste is carted off to landfills. Richard Young, of the Food Service Technology Center, a project sponsored by PG&E will give examples of energy saving processes and equipment. This workshop will look at some examples of campuses working toward energy conservation, minimizing the waste stream and maximizing recycling. One of the highlights will be the UC Davis R4 Program which won and Environmental Protection Agency award last year.

  • Anita Chan, R4 Recycling Program Coordinator, UC Davis
  • Richard Young, Food Service Technology Center, Fisher Nickel Inc [Presentation]
  • Rafi Taherian, Executive Director, Stanford Dining
  • Moderator: Christina Ngo, R4 Recycling Program Coordinator, UC Davis
  • Session E2: Closed Vessel Composting and Vermicomposting

    A survey of all the latest industrial solutions to reduction of organic waste on site. The machines and processes in this informative tour will educate planners and student on the options of handling all types of organic materials, from kitchen scraps to wood chip, to convert them into useful landscaping amenities that can be used on campus landscapes or sold. The Vermicomposting topic will include one of the first institutional large scale projects, Berkeley Worms and a company that produce small and large scale food scrap vermicomposting machines, Biosystem Solutions.

  • Terry Brennan, CIWMB
  • Prakash Aswani, Biosystem Solutions [Presentation]
  • Chris Schildt, Berkeley Worms
  • Moderator: Thomas Wittman, Operations, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session E3: Campus Gardens and Farms

    Several campuses have working gardens and farms as part of the learning experience. Some of these focus on organic farming and help to meet an increasing demand in the on campus food service providers. In this session three of these farms will briefly describe their operations, but focus on how the interface between campus grown produce has entered into the diets of students.

  • Jim Leap, Farm Manager, UC Santa Cruz
  • Hunter Frances, Farm Manager, Cal Poly SLO
  • Mark Van Horn, Farm Manager, UC Davis
  • Moderator: Thomas Wittman, Operations, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session E4: Case Study Discussion: UCSC's New Model for Dining Services and Fair Trade

    UCSC's Dining Services is leading the way in moving toward sustainability. Not only are they serving CAN fair trade coffee, but they are sourcing organic foods and instituting other sustainable programs. This workshop that is a case study of UCSC's system. During this discussion and information session presenters explain the role of each organization in working with the campus, and then facilitate a discussion with the different campuses represented to plan how each campus can move forward in their plans for their dining halls. The UCSC campus also has a model "Community Supported Agriculture" program where the academic body and staff have an opportunity to be a part of the student farm by receiving weekly boxes of produce. The manager of this program will present the success of this connection between food and community.

  • Robbie Jaffe, Community Agroecology Network, UC Santa Cruz
  • Alma Sifuentes, UCSC Director of Housing and Dining Services, UC Santa Cruz
  • Tim Galarneau, Co-Chair, CSSC Food Systems Campaign, UC Santa Cruz
  • Nancy Vail, CSA Coordinator, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz
  • Moderator: Thomas Wittman, Operations, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session E5: Waste Reduction and Recycling Best Practices

    Many institutions measure their sustainable efforts by reviewing their waste reduction and recycling practices. Come hear from leading universities about some of their best practices in integrating waste reduction and recycling on their campuses. Learn about indoor and outdoor collection systems, creative education and promotion techniques, construction and demolition incentives and requirements, and special waste streams (batteries, electronic wastes, and inkjets).

  • Lin King, Recycling Coordinator, UC Davis
  • Alec Cooley, Recycling Coordinator, Humboldt State U.
  • Julie Muir, Stanford U. [Presentation]
  • John Root, CSU Long Beach [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Dave Wade, Recycling Coordinator, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session E6: Best Practices: The Route to Zero Waste Technologies

    Zero Waste strategies support all phases of the sustainability movement: healthy economy, healthy economics and a healthy society. This seems like such an easy concept, but getting there requires some fundemental changes in the way we look at the way we do business. Gary Liss is an expert who helps to guide companies down this path. UC Davis has made great progress and will discuss the zero waste component of their well known R4 recycling program and a recent zero waste event.

  • Mike Siminitus, Whole Earth Festival Coordinator, UC Davis [Presentation]
  • Mike Nolan, Whole Earth Festival Coordinator, UC Davis
  • Gary Liss, Gary Liss and Associates


TRACK F: Institutionalizing Sustainability

  • Session F1: ISEM - Stepping up to the challenge - UC is on the move!

    Throughout the University of California system, campuses are implementing a new approach to promoting the sustainability of its varied campus environments and the safety of its workforce. The process, often referred to as an Integrated Safety and Environmental Management (ISEM) system, goes beyond basic compliance and systematically integrates the common requirements found in occupational health and safety, and environmental regulations into all work activities. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this system is that it emphasizes ownership of safety and environmental protection at the level where the activity takes place rather than through the antiquated models of command and control. From executive leadership to employee participation the ISEM approach will set a new course for attaining sustained safety and environmental performance and should greatly simplify our responsibilities for compliance with a myriad of complex requirements.
  • Buddy Morris, Director, Environmental Health and Safety, UC Santa Cruz
  • Ross Grayson, Director, Environmental Health and Safety, UC Riverside [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Dan Blunk, Environmental Programs Manager, Environmental Health and Safety Office, UC Santa Cruz
  • Session F2: Institutionalizing Sustainability - Chancellor's Sustainability Committees

    All UC campuses have formed or are forming Sustainability Committees to advise their Chancellor or other top administrators regarding campus sustainability issues. UC Santa Barbara formed its Sustainability Committee to build upon the success and learning gained from the Bren School building that achieved a LEED Platinum rating. UC Berkeley created its Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Sustainability in order to have a more regular dialogue between its annual summits with the chancellor. UC San Francisco convened its Sustainability Committee in response to the pending passage of the Regents' Green Building and Clean Energy Policy two years ago. Just in the past year, Sustainability Committees/Councils have started meeting at UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, and UC Davis. UC Riverside's Committee will likely begin meeting soon.

    All committees have comprehensive representation from students, faculty, and staff across all relevant departments. The current and planned activities of the committees, and their internal structures of subcommittees or working groups, vary by campus. Examples include Budgeting Processes, Procurement, Green Building Policy Implementation Review, and Outreach and Education. This panel will provide a forum for the campuses with existing Sustainability Committees to learn from each other's experience, while also providing guidance to other campuses who are in the process of forming such a committee or council.
  • Lisa Bauer, Reycling and Refuse Services Manager, Former Co-Chair, UCB Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Sustainability, UC Berkeley
  • Steve Wiesenthal, Assoc. VC for Facilities Management, Campus Architect, and Chair of Sustainability Committee, UC San Francisco
  • Marcia Winslade, Member, Chancellor's Sustainability Action Council Steering Committee, UC Santa Cruz
  • Mo Lovegreen, Director, Office of Sustainability, UC Santa Barbara [Presentation]
  • Dan Rockholt, Senior Educational Facilities Planner, Capital and Physical Planning, UC Riverside
  • Paige Macias, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management, UC Irvine
  • Lisa Shaffer, Director, Policy Programs and International Relations, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC San Diego [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Matt St. Clair, Sustainability Specialist, UC Office of the President
  • Session F3: Campus Sustainability Assessments

    This session will examine the various ways that campus sustainability assessments have been initiated, including the development of campus indicators, collection of baseline data, methods of reporting results, and lessons learned. Participants will be able to identify ways that their campus could adopt such practices, based on campus culture and goals
  • Garrett Fitzgerald, Graduate Student, Chair of Assessment Subcommittee, UC Berkeley
  • Mark Stemen, Coordinator, Environmental Studies Program, Chico St.
  • Vahram Massehian, Sr. Facilities Requirements Analyst, Capital Planning, UC San Francisco
  • Joshua Skov, Principal and Research Director, Good Company [Presentation]
  • Moderator: Sharon Sarris, Principal, Greenfuse & SustainabilityWorks.biz
  • Session F4: CANCELLED

  • Session F5: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

    The University of California purchases over $2 billion in goods and services annually. This represents a tremendous opportunity to use that purchasing power to transform markets toward more socially and environmentally responsible practices, products, and services. On this panel, Stuart Davis will describe some of the initial steps being taken to incorporate sustainability considerations in UC's systemwide purchasing contracts. Scott MacKenzie will share the results of student research projects and campaigns that are pushing campuses to save money and the environment at the same time through improved purchasing practices. Trish Hackemack of Kaiser Permanente and Debbie Raphael of the City/County of San Francisco will each share their green purchasing experiences including how to define "green" and who needs to be involved in the process to ensure a successful outcome.
  • Stuart Davis, Director, Strategic Sourcing, UC Office of the President
  • Scott MacKenzie, Student, Co-Chair CSSC Purchasing Campaign, UC Santa Barbara
  • Trish Hackemack, Director, National Contracting, Kaiser Permanente [Presentation]
  • Debbie Raphael, Toxics Reduction Program Manager, San Francisco Environment Department
  • Moderator: Timonie Hood, Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Pollution Prevention and Solid Waste, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Session F6: Conversation Café: Using Our Collective Clout for Broad-Based Success

    Question: What strategies and projects would bring success through interconnectedness among California higher education sustainability efforts? Participate in the innovative and fun Conversation Café dialogue method. Bring our creative intelligence together, have conversations that matter, and produce ideas documented for future use.
  • Coleen Douglas, Facilitator; Information Systems Manager and Chancellor's Sustainability Action Council member, UC Santa Cruz [Presentation]
  • Hina Pendle, Facilitator; Organizational Development Consultant, UsPartners.com


TRACK G: Sustainable Campus Transportation

  • Session G1: Strategic and Long-Range Campus Transportation Plans

    Determining how transportation behavior trends will change in the future and to what degree good planning can affect what transportation modes people will choose is the key to good transportation planning. At this session we will hear from some of the leading transportation planners in the UC system about how they have utilized comprehensive planning to promote sustainable transportation.

  • Jefferey Tumlin, Partner, Nelson Nygaard and Associates
  • Larry Pageler, Transportation Planner, UC Santa Cruz
  • Geoff Straw, General Manager, UCD Unitrans [Presentation]
  • Session G2: Sustainable Transportation Demand Management Strategies

    Comprehensive and well publicized transportation demand management programs attract commuters towards more environmentally, economically and socially beneficial modes of transportation, saving money and benefiting the community at the same time. At this session we will learn from some of the architects of the best practices in transportation demand management within the UC system.
  • Susan Handy, Professor, UC Davis [Presentation]
  • Sam Corbett, Transportation Planning Manager, UCLA [Presentation]
  • Tom Roberts, Director of Transportation and Parking Services, UCSB
  • Session G3: Campus Sustainable Transportation Policy Initiative Updates

    In July of 2004, the UC Regents accepted the recommendation of then student regent Matthew Murray and requested that the UC Office of the President develop a sustainable transportation policy recommendation. At this session draft policy concepts will be presented along with the general findings of the Sustainable Transportation Policy Initiative.
  • William Toor, Mayor (Boulder, Colorado), Director, University of Colorado at Boulder Environmental Center and Author, Transportation and Sustainable Campus Communities
  • Tara Goddard, Sustainable Transportation Intern, UCOP
  • Arthur Coulston, Sustainable Transportation Intern, UCOP
  • Session G4: Fleets; Vehicles, Fuels and Emissions

    This session will look at various options available for increasing efficiency and alternative fuel use within campus fleets, as well as various means of measuring and tracking fleet GHG emissions. With green vehicle trends constantly changing, fleet managers must move cautiously to avoid stranded capital; still campus fleets provide a great platform for the deployment of the latest in high efficiency and alternative fuel vehicles.

  • Arjun Sarkar, Fleet Technician, UCSB
  • Brooke Owyang, Student, UC Berkeley
  • Doug Grandy, Chief Energy Policy Advisor, California Air Resources Board
  • Session G5: Transportation Policy Roundtable Discussion

    This session will be an opportunity for open discussion of the UC Sustainable Transportation Policy Initiative and potential policy directions. Tara Goddard and Arthur Coulston, transportation interns with UCOP, will facilitate and document the discussion as well as discuss next steps in the Sustainable Transportation Policy Initiative.

  • (Discussion by Invitation, Observers Welcome)
  • Session G6: Student Initiatives in Sustainable Transportation

    As with all sustainability issues students are often a driving force behind sustainable transportation initiatives. UC Davis students created a full-scale transit system, UniTrans. At Berkeley students have recently secured land and funding to build a biodiesel production facility that will provide fuel for campus vehicles.
    Throughout the UC system students are participating in campus transportation planning and sustainable transportation advocacy. At this session we will hear from some of these leaders and the initiatives they have worked on.

  • Yun Lee - Berkeley Graduate and Bear Bio-diesel Project Founder
  • Brooke Owyang - Berkeley Student and Bear Bio-diesel Project Founder [Presentation]
  • Ted Buehler - UC Davis Graduate Student and Transportation Alternatives Advisory Board Member [Presentation]
  • Dorothy Lee - UCLA Student and Organizer for Move UC [Presentation]
  • Jonathan Giffard - UCSC Student and UCSC Transportation Advisory Committee Member [Presentation]
  • Soumil Mehta, UC Santa Barbara [Presentation]