Upcoming Events


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    Lilly Padía will be a guest speaker at the Wednesday, May 22nd, Education Colloquium at 12:30-2:00 pm.

    Lilly Padía, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Raciolinguistic Justice in Early Childhood Teacher Education at the Erikson Institute in Chicago. 

    The Colloquium and Community Committee is thrilled to present an upcoming colloquium talk with Dr. Lilly Padía titled, “Communicative Justice and a Pedagogy of Perception: Learning from Bilingual Nonspeaking Children and their Families.”

    Her scholarship and community work explores liberation for children, families, and communities through disability, language, and race. Her work centers on nonspeaking bilingual children and reimagines bilingual special and inclusive education. She has worked as a university instructor, academic advisor, public school bilingual special education teacher, and instructional coach with 10+ years of teaching experience. Padía earned her Ph.D. from New York University. Her scholarship has been published in journals such as Race Ethnicity and Education; Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools; Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis; Journal of Critical Study of Communication and Disability; and Teaching Exceptional Children.

    Location: Zoom: bit.ly/EdColloquia1 

    Password: 8831 


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    Julissa Muniz will be a guest speaker at the Wednesday, November 29th, Education Colloquim at 12:30-2:00pm.

    Dr. Julissa O. Muñiz is an educational ethnographer and learning scientist who studies the intersections of the U.S. public education and juvenile legal systems with a focus on teaching, learning, and identity development in juvenile court schools.

    Drawing on data from a three-year critical ethnographic study conducted in a juvenile detention center in the Midwest, Dr. Muñiz will present findings from a new manuscript in which she explores the various ways that system-impacted youth resist their dehumanization while confined.

    Location: In-Person: McHenry Library 3170 | Zoombit.ly/EdColloquia1 (pw: 8831)


  • Cati V. de los Ríos will be a guest speaker at the Wednesday, November 15th, Education Colloquim at 12:30-2:00pm.


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    "Video Games, Learning, and Abolition in a Time of Crisis"

    Matthew Coopilton and Brianna J. Mims will be guest speakers at the Wednesday, May 31st, Education Colloquim at 1pm-2:25pm.

    Matthew is an abolitionist educator, game designer, and researcher currently studying critical game jams.

    Mims is an artist, abolitionist, and facilitator whose work spans across the disciplines of dance, advocacy, facilitation, curation, and direction.

    In this talk, they take an abolitionist perspective in analyzing the pedagogical visions in and around analog and digital games.

    McHenry Library 3170 or Zoom: bit.ly/EdColloquia PW: 84401