History of Consciousness 80F
Fall 1996
Instructors: Professor Angela Davis, Catriona Rueda Esquibel
Course Description:
Introduction to critical thinking about race, class, gender, and sexuality.
Exploring questions of identity and belonging in relation to topics such as
the politics of reproduction, butch/femme, the family and the state, colonialism, bisexuality, s/m, interracial relationships, and safe sex, this interdisciplinary
course focuses on collaboration and conflict between women of color with
group presentations and professor-graduate student co-teaching.
(General Education Codes: T5-Humanities and Arts or Social Sciences,E.)
Required Texts:
- Gloria Anzaldua, ed. Haciendo Caras/Making Face/Making Soul/
- Makeda Silvera, ed. Piece of my heart: a lesbian of colour anthology.
- Course Reader
- Inscriptions 7: Women of Color in Collaboration and Conflict
Student Responsibilities
Students will keep journals throughout the class, writing 2-3 pages per
week and submitting their journals at least three times during the quarter.
Writing for the class will consist of student journals, a take-home midterm
examination, and occasional in-class writing assignments. In lieu of a
final exam, students will develop a final project, either individually or
The class will be organized into working clusters of 4 students. Students
will participate in weekly discussions within their cluster, as well as
larger class discussions. Each cluster will give one presentation focusing
on one week's reading or topic area. [Presentations to start on October 10]
The cluster will prepare collective evaluations of the student's
participation in the presentations. In addition, students will share their
writings within their cluster and evaluate one another's mid-term
examination (which will also be evaluated by the instructors).
Class Schedule
Thursday, 9/26
To Read In Class:
- hattie gossett "ain't nobodys bidness if i do?" "the homeless/ does economics take precedence over sexuality"
- Pat Parker "Where will you be?"
Guest Speakers: Members of the Women of Color Research Cluster
The WoC Curriculum Development Project
Tuesday 10/1
Film: Brincando El Charco [Frances Negron-Mutaner]
From Course Reader:
- Paula Gunn Allen "Hwame, Koshkalaka, and the Rest: Lesbians in American Indian Cultures,"
- Cheryl Clarke "The Everyday Life of Black Lesbian Sexuality,"
- Trinity Ordona "The Challenge Facing Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women in the U.S.,"
From Piece of My Heart:
- Makeda Silvera "Man-Royals And Sodomites: Some Thoughts On The Invisibility Of Afro-Caribbean Lesbians"
From Haciendo Caras:
- Anne Waters "Journeys of the Mind" 159-161
Thursday 10/4
Film: Spirit Murder: Stopping the Violent Deaths of Black Women [Kim M. Vaz, Mary Filippo, Deborah G. Plant and Toni Thomas]
From Course Reader:
- Beth Brant "To be or Not to Be was never the Question"
- Terri de la Pena "Finding out the Secrets: Mexican Lesbians in the USA"
- Nayan Shah "Sexuality, Identity, and the Uses of History,"
- Kitty Tsui "Sex does not equal death"
From Haciendo Caras:
- Paula Gunn Allen "Some Like Indians Endure" 298-301
Advanced Readings [required of upper division students/clusters]
- Dana Takagi "Maiden Voyage: Excursion into Sexuality and Identity Politics in Asian America"
- Evelyn Hammonds "Black (W)holes and the Geometry of Black Female Sexuality"
- Lorraine O'Grady "Olympia's Maid: Reclaiming Black Female Subjectivity,"
Politics of Reproduction
Tuesday 10/8
From Course Reader:
- Angela Y. Davis "Racism, Birth Control, and Reproductive Rights,"
- Elizabeth Martinez "You Just Don't Get It White Feminists and Reproductive Rights,"
- Ruth Hubbard "Using Pregnancy to Control Women"
- Katherine Kolbert "Developing a Reproductive Rights Agenda for the 1990s"
Thursday 10/10
[Cluster Presentations Begin]
From Course Reader:
- Carla Trujillo "Chicana Lesbians: Fear and Loathing in the Chicano Community"
- Patricia Williams "Owning the Self in a Disowning World"
Advanced Readings [required of upper division students/clusters]
- Catherine Albiston "The Social Meaning of the Norplant Condition: Constitutional Considerations of Race, Class and Gender."
- Kimberle Crenshaw, "Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women."
Family, Commitment and the State
Tuesday 10/15
From Course Reader:
- Audre Lorde "Turning the Beat Around: Lesbian Parenting"
- Audre Lorde "Man Child: A Black Lesbian Feminist's Response"
- "Lesbian Mothers: A Conversation with Cenen, Margarita and Carmen"
- Pat Parker "Gay Parenting, or, Look Out, Anita"
- Pat Parker "Legacy"
- Becky Birtha "In Response To Reading Children's Book Announcements in Publishers Weekly, February 12, 1982"
Thursday 10/17
To be distributed
- The Defense of Marriage Act
Guest lecture:
Coloniality and Sexuality
Tuesday 10/22
Film: La Operacion
Guest lecture:
From the Course Reader:
- Lisa Kahaleole Chang Hall and J. Kehaulani Kauanui "Same-sex Sexuality in Pacific Literature"
- bell hooks, "love as the practice of freedom"
- Nilda Remonte "A Question of Culture: Cultural Approval of Violence Against Women in the Pacific-Asian Community."
Thursday 10/24
Film: The Women Outside [J. T. Tagaki and Hye Jung Park]
From the Course Reader:
- bell hooks "talking sex: beyond the patriarchal phallic imaginary,"
- bell hooks "selling hot pussy"
- Valerie Smith "Split Affinities: The Case of Interracial Rape."
Advanced Readings [required of upper division students/clusters]
- Judy Yung "Bound Feet: Chinese Women in the 19th Century"
- Carolyn Martin Shaw "Kikuyu Women and Sexuality"
Mid-term exams to be distributed
Bisexuality, Identity and Community
Tuesday 10/29
From the Course Reader:
- Lani Ka'ahumanu "hapa haole wahine"
- Kamini Chaudhary "Some Thoughts On Bisexuality"
- Margaret Mihee Choe "Ourselves Growing Whole"
From Piece of My Heart
- Sharon Lim-Hing "Superdyke, the Banana Metaphor and The Triply Oppressed Object" 125-138
Mid Course Evaluation of Course & Expectations
Turn in Mid-Term Examination
Thursday 10/31
From the Course Reader:
- "Purifying The (Identi)Ghee: South Asian Feminists Gup-Shup" Roundtable Talk With Leela Acharya, Amina, Amita, Faranza Doctor, Nupur Gogia
- Zelie Pollon "Naming Her Destiny: June Jordan Speaks On Bisexuality"
- June Jordan "A New Politics of Sexuality"
Butch and Femme Identities in Lesbian of Color Communities
Tuesday 11/5
Film: BD Woman [Inge Blackman, UK] (for Butch/Femme topic, next week)
From the Course Reader:
- Becky Birtha, "Johnnieruth"
- tatiana de la tierra "A Latina Combat Femme,"
- Chea Villanueva "In the Shadows of Love,"
- Ekua Omosupe "black/lesbian/bulldagger"
From Haciendo Caras
- Jewelle Gomez "I Lost it at the Movies" 203-206
From Piece of My Heart:
- Nice Rodriguez "Big Nipple of the North" 33-36
- Nice Rodriguez "Straight People, Wild Ducks, and Salmon" 204-209
Thursday 11/7
From the Course Reader:
- Cenen "The Love Making,"
- Rocky Gamez "A Matter of Fact,"
- Kitty Tsui "A Femme in Butch Clothing"
- Chrystos "I bought a new red,"
- Lani Ka'ahumanu "Ode to a Fierce Butch"
- Achy Obejas "Butchiest Dyke Contest"
- SDiane Bogus "the myth and tradition of the black bulldagger"
Politics of Unity in Difference
Tuesday 11/12
Film: A litany for survival : the life and work of Audre Lorde [Ada Gay Griffin & Michelle Parkerson]
From Course Reader:
- Bonnie Thornton Dill "Race, Class, and Gender: Prospects for an all-inclusive Sisterhood,"
From Haciendo Caras:
- Gloria Anzaldua "En Rapport, In Opposition," 142-148
- Audre Lorde "I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities," 321-325
- Audre Lorde "Between Ourselves" 139-141
- Trinity Ordona & Virginia Harris "Developing Unity Among Women of Color," 304-316
- Chela Sandoval "Feminism and Racism: A Report on the 1981 NWSA Conference" 55-71
Advanced Readings [required of upper division students/clusters]
- Emma Perez, "Irigaray's Female Symbolic in the Making of Chicana Lesbian Sitios y Lenguas"
- Chela Sandoval "Oppositional Consciousness,"
Thursday 11/14
From Course Reader:
- Ordona "Cross-Racial Hostility and Inter-Racial Conflict: Stories to Tell, Lessons to Learn"
- Donna Tanigawa "pau fo trying be like one haole dyke"
From Haciendo Caras
- June Jordan "Where is the Love?" 174-176
- Andrea Canaan 302-303
- Papusa Molina "Recognizing, Accepting, and Celebrating Our Differences" 326-331
From Inscriptions
- Angela Y. Davis and Elizabeth Martinez "Coalition Building Among People of Color,"
From Piece of My Heart
- Karin Aguilar-San Juan "Exploding Myths, Creating Consciousness" 185-192
Advanced Readings [required of upper division students/clusters]
From Haciendo Caras:
- Trinh T. Minh-Ha "Not You/Like You: Post-Colonial Women and the Interlocking Questions of Identity and Difference 371-375
- Gloria Anzaldua "La conciencia de la mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness" 377-389
- Maria Lugones "Playfulness, 'World'-Traveling, and Loving Perception"
Tuesday 11/19
Film: Black Nations/Queer Nations? [Shari Frilot] (for S/M topic next
From Course Reader:
- Chrystos "Looking for a Blanket to Cover Myself After the Horses Are Free"
- Chrystos "The Night Gown"
- Tina Portillo "I Get Real: Celebrating My Sadomasochistic Soul"
- Kitty Tsui "A Femme in Butch Clothing"
From Piece of My Heart:
- Caridad Rodriguez "The Plan" 321-324
Thursday 11/21
From Course Reader:
- Audre Lorde "Sadomasochism: Not About Condemnation,"
- Karen Sims, Rose Mason, Darleen Pagano "Racism and Sadomasochism: A Conversation With Two Black Lesbians"
- Alice Walker "A Letter of the Times, or Should This Sado-Masochism Be Saved?"
- Selections from Alive & Well: A Lesbian Health Guide
Interracial Relationships
Tuesday 11/26
From Course Reader:
- Carla Trujillo "Confessions Of A Chicana Ph.D."
- Alice Hom "In The Mind Of An/Other"
- bell hooks "Eating The Other"
- Lisa Kahaleole Chang Hall "Eating Salt"
From Piece of My Heart:
- Judy Nicholson "Dear Sisters" 106-107
From Haciendo Caras:
- Pat Parker "For the white person who wants to know how to be my friend" 297
Thursday 11/28 - No Class
Tuesday 12/3
Presentations of Final Projects
Course Evaluations
Safe Sex
Thursday 12/5
Guest Lecture:
From Piece of My Heart:
- Mona Oikawa "Safe Sex in Santa Cruz" 155-159
Copyright 1996 Research Cluster for the Study of Women of Color in
Conflict and Collaboration
For more information contact the cluster
Syllabus revised 09/25/96, webpage published 12/4/97
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