Latin American/Latino Studies 80S: Sexualities and Genders in Latin American and Latina/o Studies

Instructor: Maylei Blackwell

Spring Quarter 1999

MW 5:00-6:45 Cowell 131

Course Description

This survey course is an introduction to issues and themes surrounding sexualities and genders within Latin American and Latina/o Studies with an overview of the literature, basic theoretical frameworks, and a historical grounding of gendered processes and their relationship to sexuality. Our interdisciplinary study will examine how gender and sexuality are structured and experienced historically through other social categories--such as race, class, and region--and how they circumscribe national and political identities, social movements, migration and diasporas, film and popular culture. While the main focus of this course will address Latin American histories, theories, politics and cultural formations, we will also study the implications of these topics within diasporas emerging from Latin America and within more established Latino communities in the US, including cross border perspectives, comparative frameworks on the sex/gender systems, and attention to transnational processes.

(General Education Code: E.)

Required Texts

Recommended Texts

Course Filmography

Course Requirements

For more information, contact Latin American/Latino Studies by email or telephone (459-4284)

Excerpted from Latin American/Latino Studies Course Descriptions by c.r.e. Revised 2/23/99