The numbers in this table are the average departures of the scores of many randomly drawn samples from the total score of 500 dreams. There were sixty random samplings of 25 dreams, thirty samplings of 50 dreams, eighteen of 75 dreams, fifteen of 100 dreams, and six of 250 dreams. As expected, there is a very regular pattern, where smaller samples deviate more from the total than the larger samples.

The units in this table are percentage points. For example, if we were to take a random sample of 50 dreams from male college students and calculate the Male/Female Percent, we would expect the score to be somewhere within 8.4 percentage points of the overall normative figure of 67%; i.e., between about 59% and 76%. With a sample of 250 dreams, we'd expect a score within just 1.6% of the norms.

The 500 dreams used to create this table were the same dreams used to develop the Hall/Van de Castle norms for male college students.

Number of dreams in the subsamples
CHARACTERS 250 125 100 75 50 25
Animal Percent ±0.9 ±1.3 ±1.7 ±1.9 ±4.4 ±7.6
Male/Female Percent ±1.6 ±4.3 ±4.4 ±6.0 ±8.4 ±13.6
Familiarity Percent ±0.3 ±3.4 ±5.3 ±4.4 ±8.4 ±13.4
Friends Percent ±0.9 ±3.1 ±5.7 ±6.2 ±11.7 ±16.1
Group Percent ±0.7 ±4.2 ±3.1 ±5.8 ±7.3 ±11.1
SOCIAL INTERACTIONS 250 125 100 75 50 25
A/C Index ±1.8 ±4.8 ±4.4 ±5.7 ±6.5 ±13.6
F/C Index ±0.4 ±2.1 ±2.7 ±3.2 ±5.0 ±11.7
S/C Index ±1.5 ±2.6 ±2.9 ±3.4 ±5.0 ±8.6
Aggression/Friendliness Percent ±1.3 ±4.6 ±5.0 ±6.2 ±8.8 ±18.8
Aggressor Percent ±1.3 ±7.1 ±7.0 ±8.2 ±14.9 ±29.2
Befriender Percent ±2.0 ±8.8 ±10.1 ±11.8 ±18.0 ±30.3
Physical Aggression Percent ±1.2 ±4.5 ±7.2 ±8.1 ±15.4 ±25.6
SETTINGS 250 125 100 75 50 25
Indoor Setting Percent ±1.2 ±3.2 ±5.2 ±5.0 ±8.7 ±13.4
Familiar Setting Percent ±1.3 ±6.5 ±5.5 ±9.6 ±13.1 ±24.6
OTHER CONTENT CATEGORIES 250 125 100 75 50 25
Dreamer-Involved Success Percent ±5.1 ±10.9 ±10.5 ±13.5 ±26.3 ±48.1
Bodily Misfortunes Percent ±0.8 ±2.3 ±4.4 ±8.6 ±12.1 ±25.9
Torso/Anatomy Percent ±0.8 ±7.2 ±11.1 ±9.2 ±17.3 ±28.6
Negative Emotions Percent ±2.6 ±6.2 ±7.5 ±9.1 ±13.4 ±20.3
Dreamer-Inv. Physical Activities ±0.7 ±2.3 ±3.4 ±3.1 ±5.4 ±9.2
% OF DREAMS WITH AT LEAST ONE: 250 125 100 75 50 25
Aggression ±1.9 ±5.7 ±7.4 ±7.6 ±11.3 ±17.3
Friendliness ±1.0 ±4.0 ±4.7 ±8.0 ±10.7 ±18.0
Sexuality ±2.2 ±3.7 ±4.0 ±5.1 ±7.3 ±14.7
Misfortune ±0.4 ±2.8 ±4.6 ±6.2 ±8.7 ±17.3
Success ±1.1 ±3.2 ±5.4 ±5.6 ±10.0 ±15.3
Failure ±1.9 ±4.1 ±5.2 ±6.2 ±8.7 ±15.3
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