
Schizophrenic Psychiatric Patients

These dream reports used in this analysis were part of a more general study of psychiatric patients in the early 1960's. Only the results for schizophrenics are presented here, because the other results weren't very interesting or revealing. Overall, there were 103 dream reports from schizophrenic patients.

Calvin Hall coded the dreams and reported his results in a 1966 study in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases. We recently took Calvin's coding cards and entered them into the computer in order to examine the data more closely. The resulting h-profile is shown below.

Generally, the results speak for themselves, but notice in particular the low Male/Female Percent, the low Friends Percent, and the lack of friendliness and striving (success or failure).

H-profile of Schizophrenics Compared to the Male Norms

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