Net Price Calculator

Welcome to the NetPrice Calculator!

2023 - 2024

The NetPrice Calculator provides an estimated Financial Aid Award Letter for prospective students. The estimated values produced by this tool are not the actual amounts that will be offered in your final Financial Aid Award Letter. All estimated values are subject to the availability of funding. To begin the actual Financial Aid application process, complete a FAFSA or the Dream Application (requires AB 540 eligibility).

This calculator only produces estimated values based on the information you provide. If you provide incorrect information, the resulting estimated values may differ significantly from your final Financial Aid award letter. Furthermore, your final Financial Aid award letter can be affected by a number of factors:

This tool is only intended for full-time, undergraduate students. Graduate students should contact the Financial Aid office or their department directly for more information.

Please choose either the Dependent or Independent calculator to continue:

Students who are less than 24 years old may still qualify for Independent status. For more information, view the Dependency Status criteria.